About Us

Balanced, buoyant, aromatic, fresh and gracious:
that's what you can expect from a wine bearing
the Aliane Wines' imprimatur.

Founded in California in 2006, Aliane Wines has built a reputation for discovering and representing a thoughtful selection of some of the best independent vintners and family-owned, premium estates in France, as well as providing our clients with responsive service. We seek out wines that are consistent in quality and style from year to year. Our wines are fresh and balanced, with generous fruit and no harsh edges. They have wonderful aromas, balanced acids and alcohol; they're lively and stand apart for their drinkability and fantastic value.

We take great pride in exploring the regions of France, meeting new vintners, tasting new vintages, and discovering delightful, extraordinary wines. Our painstakingly curated selections appeal to the thoughtful connoisseur: whether a long-time student of wine or a young maverick newly discovering his or her nose and palate. These wines are for independent thinkers, people who are confident in their own experience of flavor, buoyancy, and complexity. It is a pleasure to bring Aliane Wines to you, and allow the terroir of France and the heritage of French winemaking to enliven the days and nights of the California landscape.

There's an old French saying,  La sagesse c'est de ne jamais considérer comme acquises les choses que l'on vous présente comme évidentes. Simply translated, it means that wisdom is about thinking independently and not accepting things blindly. This is our mantra at Aliane Wines.